By Martina Hughes & Rod Gordon
I feel vulnerable about writing today. I feel butterflies in my stomach, I have done a few laps of the house looking for anything else that needs to be done before I write.
I feel afraid of not being...
I can still feel the first shrinking, the cringe, knowing that what I was feeling in my body was something I had to hide.
My memory of that time is fuzzy, I can see the unit where we lived, but I can’t remember my...
As I write this, I am feeling delicious openness in my body and spaciousness in my heart.
It feels delightful to rest into this moment and enjoy the tingles and sensations moving through my body.
One week ago today, I was...
We are all unique and each person’s life path requires different tools, different enquiry methods, different ways of connecting to spirit and coming to truth within.
My path and my method will not be suitable for...
Almost a year ago at Satori (a self-enquiry retreat) I made a prayer to release the ways control shows up in my life.
I could feel the impact of my protection and control mechanisms, and how they have inhibited me from...