Intensive Retreats

Awakening Through Love


A 2-Day Workshop


Create the quality of love, intimacy, and desire in your life that you most deeply crave.

Suitable for men, women, couples and singles.

Held in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia.


Awakening Through Love


A 5-Day Residential Retreat


Whether you are preparing for your next relationship, beginning a new one, or you’ve been together for a decade or more, we have the tools to help you build the relationship beyond your wildest dreams.

Suitable for men, women, couples and singles.

Held in Byron Bay, Australia.


Exclusive Tailored Retreats


Custom Residential Retreats


Each year we offer a small number of customised, exclusive retreats for individuals or couples. 

These experiences are for those who desire intense and personalised attention to realise their intentions. 

Retreats can be held at South West Rocks (where we live) or anywhere in Australia or overseas (depending on travel availability). 

If you are interested in this style of journey, please contact us to discuss in more detail.

Contact Us...

Intensive Retreats

An opportunity to be fully immersed in your personal journey, creating more love and awareness in all areas of your life.

Retreats offer a dynamic experience of being immersed in intimacy teachings and embodiment practices with a group of like minded people, deeply committed to living and loving wholeheartedly and authentically.

Each retreat journey is created with a specific intention and one will vary greatly from another.

For example: Couples Retreat where you create a foundation for your relationship, explore your future direction, and deepen your intimate connection. Another possible retreat is Integrating the Shadow, where you explore what hides in the shadows of your life, driving specific beliefs or behaviours that are not supporting you to create the life you desire.

Retreats are available in a variety of formats, such as specifically for men or women or couples, as well as mixed retreats for everyone.

Retreats are exclusive offerings. Retreats are no longer open to the public and are for our community members only.

Each retreat will have clearly laid out requirements in advance of the retreat. This allows the whole group to experience deeper embodiment, greater opening of the heart, stronger presence, and enhanced clarity.

For example an entry level retreat for men or women will be available for people who have participated in our first level online events. An intensive five day mixed retreat would require you to have participated in a group coaching program or one on one coaching.

The space we provide is sacred. And we treat it as such.

Our priority in facilitating is to create an experience for you that lasts a lifetime.

Our retreats provide life altering opportunities, where possibility meets reality. 

Who are you ready to become?


Growth in a dynamic environment


A new blueprint for life


Limitations that hold you back


Love and presence, desire and power


In the bigger picture for your life


Your deepest truth


To your true nature

Our Community's Experiences...

Read about how our work has impacted our client's lives.

"My journey allowed me to feel the aliveness of humanity, and to give myself permission to feel more fully. The teachings also involve psychotherapy which I felt is integral to opening ourselves up to wholeness. The training has deepened my intimate relationship with my partner, children and community. I'm blessed with the opportunity to work with couples, singles and group spaces to open up to their sexual aliveness in all aspects of life.."

"The Couples weekend offered me a safe and warm place to look within myself and challenge my view of my relationship with Lotta. The workshops, both emotional and physical, were challenging yet rewarding. Martina and all the leaders were knowledgeable and created a loving and safe space for the activities. The weekend opens your eyes to what is possible to create in a relationship if two people share a common love."





"I experienced a strong container of presence, for the first time in my life, during Rod and Martina’s ‘Men, Women, Love’ event. At the event, whilst being guided in partner practices, the man in front of me (whom I’d never met before) received and encouraged all of me to come through - the joyful, sexy, raging, playful, wise woman. This simple, yet powerful presence and massive container cracked me open and allowed SO much more of me to be seen, heard and felt. I can't wait to be with the man who will and have the courage to step into this space with me."

Be Inspired

Follow along with Martina & Rod's unfolding journey and receive valuable insights and inspirations along side a like-minded, global community.