What Exactly is Intimacy Coaching?

our journey written by martina hughes Dec 15, 2021
What Exactly is Intimacy Coaching?

I have spent many years of my life wondering whether my desire and longing for deeper intimacy was pure fantasy, or if there was a real possibility of something more?

It has taken me many years of trial and error to discover that the desire and longing was real.

There was a part of me that always knew something more was possible. And the funny thing is, it’s even more beautiful than I had imagined.

I can still remember the feelings of pain and loneliness I experienced being single for long periods in my adult life.

The desire for relationship and connection as well as the avoidance of relationship and connection were both so strongly alive in my body. This created so much conflict and confusion for me. And add to the mix the relationship experiences where I felt even more alone in the relationship!

I didn’t understand how other people could have relationships that appeared to work, and mine kept falling apart.

Have you ever wondered if there is a secret formula to a relationship and you missed out on getting it? 

I certainly had that thought at times!

At times I would feel like my heart was being torn in half, that I wasn’t good enough or I wasn’t meant to have that kind of happiness.

Relationships felt like such a struggle, and yet, I could feel my desire, an intuitive longing for that mysterious “something more” that felt like only a relationship could provide.

How could I create that experience? How could I become the woman who would have a man choose her, to choose commitment with me?

My experience with Rod over the last 6 years has shown me that it is possible. I did a lot of preparatory work to “get ready” for a new relationship, and there is certainly a lot that can be done to “get ready” yet there is so much more that comes online and can evolve through being in a committed relationship.

Can you imagine living in a relationship where inspiration, nourishment, and healing are all part of your everyday experience? 

It was a dream of mine for a long time, and now, it’s a reality.

Our journey through relationship struggle and challenges is why Rod and I are so passionate about empowering people, people just like you, to create a whole new quality of intimate relationship.

Rod and I offer elite level coaching, education and empowerment that will transform your relationship experiences.

It simply requires your willingness to change, a capacity to be self-reflective and desire to commit to practices that will change your life.

Would you like grounded, present and practical guidance to realise your dreams? 

If you feel a resounding “yes please” then, Rod and I are ready to empower you and your current or future relationship.

Intimacy Coaching is suitable for both singles and couples. It is an opportunity to dive deep and explore what is truly available in an intimate relationship.

Intimacy Coaching is about knowing yourself and your partner so deeply that you become more available for a nourishing and inspiring relationship.

Whether that is with your current or future partner.

Each person, through in-depth coaching, dedicated inquiry and committed practices will have the opportunity to feel, know and embody the depths of intimacy - both from a solo perspective and a relationship perspective.

Intimacy Coaching is an opportunity to explore: 

• Cultivate - a new quality of relationship
• Open - to sensual & sexual embodiment
• Self-love - practical applications for everyday
• Trust - in self & in relationship
• Learn - masculine & feminine qualities
• Express - feelings, needs & desires
• Embody - power, direction, love & presence
• Heal - from past relationships & trauma
• Create - transformation in all relationships
Growing your awareness and sensitivity is a profound and life changing experience that will radically change your experience of intimate relationships.

It all starts with being willing to know yourself and grow exponentially in the space of intimacy with a significant partner.

Intimacy Coaching is for people who are:

• deeply curious about cultivating a beautiful life
• hungry to explore what is possible through intimacy
• tired of repeating the patterns of the past
• feel that sexual intimacy has more to offer
• ready to dive more deeply into relationships

Intimacy Coaching is not for people who:

• blame their partner for what is not working
• are unwilling to self-investigate
• are looking for quick & easy techniques
• want a practitioner to solve their problems
• are looking for sexual gratification

Rod and I are dedicated to empowering you to transform. Are you willing to deepen into to what is truly possible in the art of relationship?

With Love, Martina

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